Delivering keynotes, workshops, lectures, training and coaching to help people skillfully access courage in the face of conflict.

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Girls’ Self Defense & Safety Workshop

Being a father of seven children (four of them girls), I realize the safety concerns parents have for their children. Too many young girls are traumatized out of innocence. André Salvage and Associates realizes that a child's ability to protect themselves begins with belief and confidence in “self.”

Every girl should know how to verbally, emotionally, and physically take care of themselves. The changes that are occurring in their minds and bodies can sometimes signal to a predator that they are a potential victim. There is a way to build their confidence and give them the verbal and physical skills to avoid and stop someone from harming them or even seeing them as a victim. This class enables young women to find their voice and power if approached by an adult or someone their own age who has harmful intentions.

This workshop will not cause young girls to become paranoid, but rather to become objectively aware of the dangers that exist and to give them real-life tools to handle, avoid, control, or stop threatening situations with those who want to harm them.



During this discussion period, we share how to be safe when at home, on the street, school, or during play. We will also explore how predators set up their victim and how to create a personal safety plan.  

  • Having a plan for safety
  • Understanding how assaults occur
  • Critical viewing skills (how to objectively view something and not be pulled by what you see or hear)
  • Doing the right thing, even if a friend disagrees
  • Listening to intuition


André Salvage and Associates will also share with these young girls how to properly assert yourself, set boundaries and educate people on how to treat you.  Through creative and real-life role play we will share how to use body and voice to avoid and de-escalate conflicts without appearing like a victim or a challenge.

  • Real life role plays to practice assertiveness
  • Learning to set boundaries
  • Educating friends, parents, and teachers on how to treat us without being disrespectful
  • Speaking up when something is wrong
  • Bringing attention to uncomfortable situations (screaming if necessary)
  • Using your voice and body correctly and appropriately


There is no better way to handle confrontation than to not be afraid of confrontation that may arise. André Salvage and Associates will introduce self-defense in a way that not only is effective but gives young girls the choice to make the right decision about a particular situation.

  • Stopping someone her age or older from harming her
  • Stopping adults from abducting or harming her
  • Knowing when and when not to use self-defense
  • Free Hand, Free Limb, Vital Area 
Please see Events  for our current schedule. We can also schedule a custom workshop for your group.
Contact us at for custom offerings for your group or organization.  

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