The Power of Love
The Power of Love
For recordings of this 3-session workshop held in June, 2022, please contact
There is a reason why love is challenging, complicated, and often so very difficult to give and receive.
There is a reason why rejection hurts so badly that we don’t express our desire to connect and can’t seem to open and let love in.
At the same time, giving and receiving love is one thing we all secretly need, desire, and long for.
We don’t openly talk about love. Sometimes we will talk about relationships or sex, but not love and the power it has to heal all of the traumas, thoughts, agreements, habits, and addictions that work against us.
Join me as we discuss and share how this powerful divine energy can heal, connect, and create a pathway to living a life free from the fears that hinder us from being our most powerful, authentic, and loving selves.